

作者:盛世中方(北京)生物科技有限公司 2008-05-22T00:00 (访问量:7127)


Dunore Diagnostics is a global leader in the supply of innovative diagnostic products for the wine, beverage, food, dairy and fermentation industries.达诺诊断(dunore diagnostics) Dunore Diagnostics is a global leader in the supply of innovative diagnostic products for the wine, beverage, food, dairy and fermentation industr是为葡萄酒,饮料,食品,奶类及发酵工业,提供全球**诊断产品的供应商。 Dunore Diagnostics is a dedicated and focussed company that provides products to the beverage and food testing markets.  Our beverage and food testing products are currently exported worldwide and clients include some of the top international wine/beverage producer我们的饮料和食物检测产品目前出口世界各地,客户包括一些顶级的葡萄酒/饮料生产商。                     在饮料及食品行业中制造Process control during production is an important consideration in the beverage and food industry.  Therefore, the repeated use of our testing kits during these various processes can ensure cost effective production of high quality products.过程中的工艺控制是一个重要的考虑因素,因此,重复使用我们的检测试剂盒在这些不同的程序可以确保符合成本效益的生产高品质的产品。

The manufacturing of all kits conforms to a Quality System, which satisfies the requirements of ISO 13485:2003, the In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices Directive 98/79/EC, the Canadian Medical Device Regulations and the Quality System Regulation as set out in Part 820 of Title 21 of the Code of Federal Regulations.我们我们的所有试剂盒符合ISO 13485:2003质量体系 欧共体体外诊断医疗设备指令98/79/ec ,加拿大医疗器械法规及联邦法规第21条中所要求的质量体系规定。

.Total Antioxidant Status总抗氧化能力(Total Antioxidant Status,TAS) 测试仪器包(比色法)

The Total Antioxidant Status (TAS) kit from Dunore Diagnostics is designed to measure the Total Antioxidant Status in a sample and provides a cost-effective method for rapid analysis of samples. Rapid quality assessment of beverages is now possible using the Total Antioxidant Status (TAS) assay from Dunore Diagnostics. 红酒/茶及其他饮料中的抗氧化物被公认为具有保护心脏的效果.研究表面总抗氧化能力最高的是红酒,其次是茶,但是很多其他饮料诸如酸果蔓果汁,苹果汁和咖啡等里面也都有抗氧化剂.




Phenolics and TAS TAS
The TAS kit from Dunore Diagnostics was designed to measure the antioxidant activity in beverages and provides a cost-effective method for rapid analysis of samples.

L-Malic Acid test kit

L -苹果酸检测试剂盒 (紫外法)


UV method UV

Cat No.: ML2634目录编号: ml2634

For the quantitative in vitro determination of Malic-Acid in red and white wine, beer and fruit juices.体外定量测红,白葡萄酒,啤酒和果汁的苹果酸,This product is suitable for Manual and Automated use (procedure sheets available upon request).此产品适合手动和自动化使用(程序表可根据要求),测量苹果酸是为了监控苹果乳酸发酵的过程,苹果酸的发酵能软化酒味并提高酒中的卫生物稳定性.

During malolactic fermentation L-Malic acid levels decrease and in final stages of ripening Malic acid decomposes and the grape can become over ripe.

This product is currently supplied to the wine/beverage and food producers globally该产品目前供应给全球范围的葡萄酒/饮料和食品生产商

L-Lactic Acid test kit L -乳酸检测试剂盒 (紫外法)

UV method UV

Cat No.: LC2653目录编号: lc2653


This product is currently supplied to the wine/beverage and food producers globally该产品目前供应给全球范围的葡萄酒/饮料和食品生产商


乙酸 检查试剂盒(英国办法)


UV method UV

Cat No.: AT2654目录编号: at2654


This product is currently supplied to the wine/beverage and food producers globally该产品目前供应给全球范围的葡萄酒/饮料和食品生产商


Glucose/Fructose combined test kit葡萄糖/果糖联合检测试剂盒 (紫外法)


UV method UV

Cat No.: GF2635目录编号: gf2635


This product is currently supplied to the wine/beverage and food producers globally该产品目前供应给全球范围的葡萄酒/饮料和食品生产商




盛世中方(北京)生物科技有限公司 商家主页

地 址: 朝阳区大屯路风林绿洲F02-9B

联系人: 小玉

电 话: 010-64845987-804

传 真: 010-64845987-811



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