加拿大杰特生化制品国际公司 官方首页 - 生物在线


展位号: BIOON-816713419b8

展台参观: 41056

产品总数: 20

信用积分: 5



地 址:广州经济技术开发区宝石路11号留学人员广州创业园210

电 话:020-82209926 82001695 82226402

传 真:020-82226402

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广州洁特生物过滤制品有限公司 是由加拿大杰特生化制品国际公司在中国投资的专门从事细胞培养瓶(板、皿)、酶标板、过滤器,细胞培养转瓶,金标检测板,药敏板,BV板和移液管等实验室一次性耗材中高端产品研发和销售的高新技术公司。公司创办人袁建华董事长长期留学美国,他和他的同事们正在为使公司成为中国的生物医学实验室一次性高端耗材的主要供应商而努力。

Guangzhou JET Bio-filtration,Co. Ltd,which was invested by Canada JET Biochemicals Int’l.,Inc. in China,is a High-Tech enterprise engaged in research and development,manufacturing and sales of disposable bio-medical devices,such as flasks,plates and dishes for tissue culture,ELISA plate,syringe-driven and vacuum-driven filters and serological pipette. President Jian H.Yuan,the founder of the company who works in USA for a long time,and his collogues are making their best efforts for a dream to make the company becoming a leader supplier of high-section of disposable bio-medical materials and devices in China.
The company owns a group of famous experts from China and abroad in the fields of biological technology,surface treatment of high molecular materials and model manufacture. Two R&D laboratories and a facility with 100000-grade of cleaning environment contacting development and manufacturing was built up in Canada and in Guangzhou,China. The advanced instrument and equipment for material surface treatment and product manufacture make an ability of 10 million pieces. A QA/QC system guarantees the quality of products to the international standard.